GDC Recommended Topics

To help and support you in your CPD choices, the GDC has identified some CPD topics that will relate to many dental professionals in their field of practice. These are highly recommended to do as part of the minimum verifiable CPD requirement:

  • Medical Emergencies

    At least ten hours in every CPD cycle: At least two hours of CPD is recommended in every year.

  • Disinfection and Decontamination

    At least five hours is recommended in every CPD cycle.

  • Radiography and radiation protection

    At least five hours is recommended in every CPD cycle. This applies only to those who undertake radiography.


The GDC also recommend that you keep up to date by doing CPD in the following areas:

Legal and ethical issues

Complaints handling

Oral Cancer: Early detection

Safeguarding children and young people

Safeguarding vulnerable adults

The GDC make these recommendations because they believe regularly keeping up to date in these topics contributes to patient safety.

Current Verifiable CPD Courses
(New CPD is regularly added throughout the year)

SubjectAimsObjectivesGDC Development Outcome(s)Learning Content (Reading Material)
A Guide to Enhanced Continuing Professional DevelopmentTo provide guidance on The General Dental Council’s (GDC) Enhanced Continuing Professional Development (ECPD) Scheme.Understand the General Dental Council’s ECPD requirements; understand the importance of CPD; know the role of the GDC; identify the General Dental Council’s Learning Development Outcomes; understand the importance of personal development planning to ensure that CPD is matched to the needs of the individual to improve professional practice; identify the GDC recommended CPD subject areas; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.B,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will enable you to understand the current General Dental Council (GDC) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements and be aware of the enhanced CPD requirements.
Personal Development Plan - A GuideTo provide step by step guidance on producing a Personal Development Plan (PDP)Understand the GDC requirements of using a PDP in Enhanced Continuing Professional Development; know how to carry out a SWOT analysis; demonstrate the ability to align SMART goals to PDP planning; be able to produce a PDP to meet individual learning needs; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.B,C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you knowledge on how to build your Personal Development Plan to meet part of your professional requirements as a registered Dental Care Professional.
Alcohol Misuse: How can DCPs Play a Supportive Role in Identifying and Advising Drinkers?To give an overview on the extent of the problem of alcohol misuse; give an overview on the potential effects of alcohol misuse on oral health; and, identify how dental professionals can play a supportive role in identifying and advising drinkers.On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Identify the extent of the problem of alcohol misuse; identify how many units of alcohol are in certain drinks; identify the upper safe limits of alcohol for men and women; recognise potential impacts of alcohol misuse on oral cancer, periodontal disease and tooth surface loss; be able to identify a tool which can be used to identify drinkers; know how and when to direct patients to somewhere they can get advice on alcohol consumption; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your understanding of the Guidelines on alcohol consumption and the potential effect of alcohol misuse on oral health. Update published November 2022. Next review November 2024.
An Introduction to Facial AestheticsTo provide an overview of foundation level insight of Botulinum toxin and dermal fillers to provide dental professionals with a basic understanding and to answer patient questions regarding cosmetic procedures and assistance during treatments.Define Dermal Fillers; identify the different facial aesthetic treatments available; understand the side effects associated with each treatment; understand what dental professionals can do with appropriate training; understand the role of professionals in cosmetic procedures; identify the importance of record keeping; know the role of prescribers; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you a foundation level insight of Botulinum toxin and dermal fillers.
Audit an Important Tool to Improve Dental PractiseThis article will increase your understanding of clinical audit in dental practice and how it can be used to improve quality assurance, clinical practice and as a risk management tool.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: define clinical audit; have knowledge of the aim of clinical audit; identify essential topics the CQC expect dental practices to have evidence of completing audits in; identify the stages of an audit cycle; identify ways to select a topic to audit; define a process audit; have knowledge of setting standards for an audit; and, pass an online assessment scoring over 70%.C This article provides the participant with an understanding of clinical audit in dental practice and how it can be used to improve quality assurance, clinical practice and as a risk management tool. Published July 2024. Review due July 2026.
Clinical Photography in Dental PracticeTo provide information about the role of clinical photography in dental practice, the DCP's role in clinical photography, types of clinical photographs and discuss training and equipment.To demonstrate knowledge of the different types of dental photography; understand the need for patient consent for photographs; be able to identify the different types of dental photographs; have knowledge of the variety of reasons photographs can be beneficial to the clinician and the patient; identify the different types of training available in dental photography; have knowledge of the types of equipment needed in dental photography and their use; and, complete an online assessment, scoring over 70%.B,C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge about the role of clinical photography in dental practice. Published September 2024. Review due September 2026.
Cold Sores: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment. Should we be Treating Patients with Active Cold Sores?To provide an overview on the causes, symptoms and treatment of patients who present with Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis and Herpes Labialis (cold sores).On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Identify definitions of Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis and Herpes Labialis; know the virus responsible for Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis and Herpes Labialis; identify the causes, symptoms and treatments for Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis and Herpes Labialis; understand the principles of providing Standard Precautions in infection prevention; be able to apply clinical knowledge in how best to treat/not to treat patients with Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis and Herpes Labialis and identify the risks of providing dental treatment; know when to consider referral for further advice; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an increased understanding of the causes, symptoms and treatment of patients who present with Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis and Herpes Labialis (cold sores). Republished March 2022, next review March 2025.
Complaints Handling and Acting in Accordance with Duty of CandourTo provide an understanding of how to reduce the risk of complaints in the dental surgery, update the dental care professional on the most common areas for complaints and to introduce the General Dental Council’s six core universal principles of best practice in handling complaints.Identify the meaning of a complaint; know the General Dental Council’s six core universal principles for best practice in handling complaints; identify the current regulations regarding complaints; recognise potential causes of patient dissatisfaction and what outcomes a complainant may be looking for; identify some statistics on the types of complaints received by the Dental Complaints Service; identify the responsibility of the dental professional in handling complaints; recognise measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of complaints; demonstrate knowledge of good practice in basic communication skills; identify the key aspects of a clear and effective complaints procedure; identify where to send patients for help and advice regarding NHS and private complaints if a satisfactory solution cannot be reached within the dental practice; understand what is meant by the Duty of Candour; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A Completion of this verifiable CPD article will update your knowledge on Complaints Handling and the Duty of Candour. Update published January 2024. Next review January 2025.
COSHH - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health in Dental PracticeTo discuss COSHH, the responsibilities of the employer and employee which apply to the way you work with these substances and how the employer must comply with current legislation.To have knowledge of COSHH Regulations 2002 (as amended); identify who COSHH applies to and routes of exposure; to define what a WEL is; to demonstrate knowledge of the legislation relating to COSHH; risk assessment relating to COSHH; safe storage of hazardous substances; employers and employees’ responsibilities relating to COSHH; and know some of the employers and employees responsibilities for PPE; have knowledge the risks associated with blood borne viruses in dental practice; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C This article will raise your awareness of the current legislation relating to the control of substances hazardous to health, the responsibilities of both the employer and employee and how you can both work to ensure safety in the workplace. Update published February 2024. Next review February 2025.
Dementia and Dental CareTo give an overview of dementia and the management of dental problems.On Completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Be able to define the different types of dementia; identify statistics relating to dementia; recognise the symptoms of the different types of dementia; ; know the Care Quality Commission expectations for dental practices relating to the care of patients living with dementia; have knowledge of the Faculty of General Dental Practice publication “Dementia Friendly Dentistry”; understand the importance of accessing mental capacity and consent to treatment; identify some of the potential dental problems and their management in patients with dementia; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your understanding of the different types of dementia and how to manage patients with dementia in the dental surgery. Update published April 2024. Next review April 2026.
Dental Care and the ElderlyTo discuss the management of the older patient in dental practice and highlight some of the issues associated with treating the older patient.To have knowledge of some of the barriers to oral health experienced by the older patient; identify some of the social factors that could influence access to dental care for the older patient; identify mucosal conditions that become more common with age; demonstrate an understanding of the increased risk of root caries in older age; demonstrate knowledge of managing prosthodontic care in the older patient; have an increased understanding of Delivering Better Oral Health recommendations for caries management and prevention of periodontal disease; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD will increase your knowledge of the management of the older patient in dental practice and increased knowledge of Delivering Better Oral Health recommendations for caries management and prevention of periodontal disease. Published June 2023. Next review due June 2025.
Dental Management of Patients with a Gag ReflexTo review the assessment and management strategies that can be implemented to minimise the gag reflex for susceptible patients.To be able to categorise gagging into two groups and identify the meaning of these two groups; to identify some of the local, systemic, anatomical and physiological modifying factors of gagging; to identify some of the important factors involved in assessing the patient who gags; to identify some of the different management techniques that can be utilised when a patient has a gag reflex; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD will increase your knowledge of the management of patients who suffer with a gag reflex. Update due February 2026.
Disinfection and Decontamination: Blood-Borne Viruses and ImmunisationTo explain blood-borne viruses, the risks of occupational exposure and how to minimise the risks through measures such as vaccination.Define blood-borne viruses and identify the importance of this in dental practice; identify some of the blood-borne viruses that dental professionals may be subjected to; understand the term “Standard Precautions”; know the 5 major types of viral hepatitis and the relative infectivity after an occupational exposure; know the relative infectivity of HIV after an occupational exposure; understand how blood-borne viruses may be transmitted; identify which immunisations are required for dental staff; identify the importance of PPE; demonstrate knowledge of how to manage a sharps injury; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of BBVs and how to reduce the risk of occupational exposure. Updated February 2024. Next review due February 2025.
Disinfection and Decontamination: Hand Hygiene in the Dental PracticeTo give an overview of the importance of hand hygiene in dental practice.On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Understand the functions of skin; demonstrate knowledge of the difference between transient and resident flora and which of these may be responsible in the transmission of infection; know which principle of the Health and Social Care Act 2009 (Regulated Activities) hand hygiene falls under; understand the principles of hand hygiene; understand the importance of hand care within hand hygiene; demonstrate knowledge of the correct hand hygiene technique, including the difference between hand rub and hand wash; know what needs to be included within a hand hygiene policy; know the name and aim of the WHO 2023 hand hygiene campaign; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will refresh your knowledge of hand hygiene in dental practice. Update published November 2023. Next review November 2024.
Disinfection and Decontamination: Infection Prevention and Control in Dental PracticeTo refresh the dental professional’s knowledge of disinfection and decontamination guidelines and how to apply them to practice.Demonstrate a basic knowledge of HTM 01-05 and related guidance; understand the different roles and responsibilities in disinfection and decontamination procedures; understand the difference between Essential Quality Requirements and Best Practice in disinfection and decontamination; demonstrate an understanding of Personal Protective Equipment; demonstrate an understanding of instrument decontamination and the decontamination cycle; know how to store and package instruments; know the definition of sterilisation and disinfection; demonstrate knowledge of surface cleaning; demonstrate knowledge of dental disinfection and decontamination guidelines relevant to England, Northern Ireland, Scotland; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of disinfection and decontamination guidelines. Published December 2023. Next review December 2024.
Disinfection and Decontamination: Instrument Decontamination in Dental PracticeTo give the participant an overview of the processes involved in dental instrument decontamination using essential quality requirements and best practice recommendations and how to comply with the requirements for HTM 01-05 (England), WHTM 01-05 (Wales), SDCEP (Scotland) and DHSSPSNI (Northern Ireland).On Completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Be able to define what decontamination is; be able to distinguish between essential quality requirements and best practice recommendations relating to the decontamination of a dental instrument; be able to identify the decontamination processes of an instrument; be able to identify the methods of pre-cleaning and sterilisation used in general dental practice; be able to identify the limitations of manual cleaning prior to sterilisation and how it is performed; be able to demonstrate knowledge on the safe storage of instruments to prevent bacterial re-colonisation; be able to identify where to access additional information on decontamination in primary dental care practice; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will reinforce the processes involved in dental instrument decontamination using essential quality requirements and best practice recommendations contained within HTM 01-05 and other documents relevant to other areas of the UK. Update published April 2024. Next review due April 2025.
Disinfection and Decontamination Legionella and Dental Unit Waterline ManagementThis article aims to give an overview on Legionnaires disease and dental unit water asepsis.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to define what Legionella is and how it is transmitted; identify the conditions in which legionella is more likely to thrive; identify the risk factors for Legionnaires’ disease; demonstrate knowledge of the signs and symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease; demonstrate knowledge of the responsibilities of the dental practice; know how to manage dental unit water lines; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an understanding of Legionella and the importance of managing the dental unit waterlines in practice. Republished September 2024. Next review September 2025.
Disinfection Decontamination: Safe Sharps Management in DentistryTo give an overview of the Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013 which implements aspects of the European Council Directive 2010/32/EU (the sharps directive) that are not specifically addressed in existing GB legislation.To identify some of the risks from sharps injuries; demonstrate knowledge of what to do in the event of a sharps injury; demonstrate knowledge of safe management of sharps and identify the regulations relating to the Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of the use of safer sharps in dental practice. Update published March 2024. Next review March 2025.
Disinfection and Decontamination: Waste Management and Disposal in DentistryTo provide information on the safe management of health care waste.To demonstrate knowledge of the changes to managing dental waste in the HTM 07-01 (2023); to be able to identify different types of waste; to identify which waste receptacles should be used in waste segregation; to demonstrate knowledge of waste legislation: to demonstrate knowledge of waste documentation; demonstrate knowledge of a waste audit; and, complete an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on the different types of waste produced in a dental practice, the types and segregation of waste; the documentation needed for waste disposal; information about disposing of the waste in line with current legislation and regulations; and, the importance of risk assessment and training. Published August 2024 Review due August 2025.
Eating Disorders and the Dental ImplicationsTo discuss the aetiology, classification, clinical features and risk factors for the most common eating disorders and explore the role that the dental team can play in the identification and management of patients with eating disorders.Be able to define eating disorders; demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of Anorexia Nervosa; the characteristics of Bulimia and the characteristics of Binge Eating Disorder; identify some of the less common eating disorders; identify some of the medical complications of eating disorders; identify some of the oral manifestations of eating disorders; demonstrate knowledge of how to approach discussing eating disorders with the patient; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your understanding of eating disorders and their dental implications. Next review December 2024.
Enhancing Communication with Your PatientsTo outline two models of communication and how to apply them to practice and to outline Principle Two of the GDC Standards for the Dental Team.Identify an early model of communication; demonstrate knowledge of Principle 2 of the GDC Standards; identify the ego states of Transactional Analysis; identify which ego state should be aimed for during communication with patients; know how to apply the methods and theories of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to practice; know how to demonstrate active listening skills in order to build rapport with patients; use effective communication techniques to encourage patients to be partners in their care; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A Completion of this verifiable CPD article will enable you to understand two models of communication and how to apply them to practice. You will also understand Principle Two of the GDC Standards for the Dental Team which is to “communicate effectively with patients”. Published August 2018.
Equality and DiversityTo provide the dental professional with an understanding of the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion in the dental practice.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: know the definition of equality; know the definition of diversity; identify the laws surrounding equality and diversity; be able to identify the 9 protected characteristics and understand how to tailor care according to people’s individual needs; be able to recognise discrimination and identify risks of discrimination; know how to comply with the GDC Standards on equality and diversity; recognise the importance of Principle 8 of the GDC Standards to raise concerns if patients are at risk and the importance of having a whistle blowing procedure in place; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,B,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on equality, diversity and inclusion in the dental practice. Updated August 2024. Next review due August 2025.
Evidence Based DentistryTo give an overview on the meaning of evidence-based practice and how to identify information that can be used to enhance clinical practice and improve patient care.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Know the definition of evidence-based practice; identify the three main components that make up evidence-based practice; demonstrate knowledge of the hierarchy of evidence; identify some considerations when critically appraising literature; demonstrate knowledge on how to apply evidence-based dentistry to clinical practice; know some of the challenges and benefits of applying evidence-based dentistry to clinical practice; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,B,C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your understanding on evidence based dentistry that you will be able to apply to practice to improve patient care. Published June 2024. Next review June 2026.
Fire Safety and The Fire Marshal Role in Dental PracticeThis article aims to discuss the current legislation relating to fire safety, fire safety risk assessment, causes of work place fires, fire fighting and the equipment and the role of the fire marshal.To demonstrate knowledge of the legislation relating to fire safety; identify elements within a Fire Safety Risk Assessment; demonstrate knowledge of what is included in an emergency plan; identify the ways a fire spreads; identify the different uses of fire extinguishers; demonstrate knowledge of the role of the fire marshal; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.B,C,D Completion of this article will raise your awareness of the current legislation relating to fire safety, fire safety risk assessment, causes of work place fires, fire fighting and the equipment and the role of the fire marshal. Update published February 2024. Next review February 2025.
First Aid Part 1: First Aid Requirements in Your Dental PracticeThe aim of this course is to outline the dental practice’s responsibility for first aid requirements. This CPD article should be completed with First Aid parts 2 and 3.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Identify the importance of risk assessments in the dental practice; know how to complete a first aid needs assessment in dental practice; identify the first aid training requirements in dental practice; identify the practice’s responsibility for first aid arrangements; know how to fill in an accident report; demonstrate knowledge of Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR); and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on the first aid requirements in dental practice. Updated October 2024. Next review due October 2025.
First Aid Part 2: How to Deliver First Aid in Dental Practice During a Medical EmergencyTo give an overview on how to administer first aid in dental practice during a medical emergency. This CPD article should be completed with First Aid parts 1 and 3.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Demonstrate knowledge of the guidelines provided by the GDC in respect of medical emergency equipment; be able to identify the symptoms of angina, myocardial infarction, anaphylaxis, hypoglycaemia, stroke, asthma attack and seizures; be able to identify the drugs required from the emergency drugs kit and how to administer first aid for angina, cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, hypoglycaemia, seizures, stroke and asthma; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on the first aid requirements in dental practice and delivery first aid in a medical emergency. Update published October 2024. Next review due October 2025.
First Aid Part 3: General First Aid DeliveryTo give an overview on how to administer general first aid. This CPD article should be completed with First Aid parts 1 and 2.On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Demonstrate knowledge of a primary and secondary survey when prioritising first aid treatment; be able to identify life threatening conditions quickly and methodically using the DR ABC approach; know the potential causes of an unconscious casualty; know how to place a casualty into the recovery position; be able to identify and know the first aid required for choking, hyperventilation, choking, fainting, cuts and grazes, stings, blood loss, burns, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, hypothermia, eye injuries, poisoning, fractures, sprains and strains, head injuries and meningitis; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on how to administer general first aid. Update published October 2024. Next review due October 2025.
Forensic Dentistry: Using Dental Records as an Aid to Identify the DeceasedTo provide an overview of the history and methods utilised in forensic dentistry for human identification and the importance of accurate record keeping.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Outline the history of forensic dentistry; identify the importance in establishing the identity of the deceased; identify information that may be obtained through post-mortem dental examination which may aid in identification of the deceased; identify the importance of keeping accurate clinical records; know when to share dental records with regards to identifying the deceased; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of the use of dental forensics in identifying the deceased. It will also highlight the importance of accurate clinical note taking. Re-published October 2024. Next review due October 2025.
Health and Safety Management in DentistryTo provide information about health and safety in dental practice, the relevant legislation and how to implement and manage health and safety issues in dental practice.To identify legislation relating to health and safety in dental practice; have knowledge of the steps an employer should take to protect the employee with regard to health and safety; identify steps the employee is responsible for regarding health and safety in dental practice; have knowledge of what needs to be considered when undertaking a health and safety risk assessment; have knowledge of workplace facilities that should be in place to comply with health and safety legislation; identify responsibilities of the employer and employee regarding personal protective equipment(PPE); and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.B,C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge about health and safety in dental practice. Update published August 2024. Next review due August 2025.
Learning Disability and Autism Awareness and information on the Oliver McGowan Training RequirementsTo provide the dental care professional with an overview of learning disability and autism and Asperger syndrome and strategies to improve the treatment of patients in the dental surgery.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: know the definition of learning disability; know the requirements of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism; know the difficulties someone with a learning difficulty may face; identify the prevalence of autism; identify the three main areas of difficulty that individuals with autism may experience; identify some oral health issues that someone with learning difficulties is more likely to have; demonstrate knowledge of how to recognise someone with a learning disability; know how to make reasonable adjustments to allow someone with a learning disability or autism to access the same level of service as everyone else; and, identify some strategies to improve the dental care experience of the patient with a learning disability or autism; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of learning disabilities and Autism and how to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made so that people with additional needs receive the care they need and can access services within the dental practice in the same way as everyone else. Updated September 2024. Next review due September 2025.
Legal and Ethical – General Data Protection Regulations in Dental PracticeTo provide an understanding of the Data Protection Act 2018 and how to apply the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 in dental practice.On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Define Data Protection Act 2018; identify the 12 steps that should be taken to comply with GDPR; demonstrate more detailed knowledge of the steps required to comply with GDPR; identify key points in gaining consent to meet GDPR compliance; identify the main principles of privacy relating to the GDPR; demonstrate knowledge of how to deal with a data breach; demonstrate knowledge of how a dental practice should show accountability; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will provide an understanding of the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR in dental practice. Update published November 2023. Next review November 2024.
Legal and Ethical: Information Governance for Dental PracticeTo discuss the importance of Information Governance in Dental Practice and outline the key areas that need to be considered to have a consistent approach to information handling and ensure that the practice handles information in line with the relevant laws and meets the standards set out by the General Dental Council.Recognise the relevant law associated with IG; identify key points in the role of the IG Lead; identify important aspects of the IG Policy Document and key areas to consider for information security; demonstrate knowledge of the Caldicott Principles; demonstrate knowledge of good practice guidance and encryption for information security and confidentiality and incident management and reporting; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.B,C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your understanding of Information Governance in Dental Practice and outline the key areas that need to be considered to have a consistent approach to information handling. Update published January 2024. Next review January 2025.
Legal and Ethical: Legislative requirements and applying them to DCP practiceTo provide the dental professional with an understanding of the importance of the legislative requirements Dental Care professionals are expected to follow throughout their profession and the associated personal and professional responsibilities both patients and the dental team have in relation to them.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: identify the characteristics of a professional; identify the levels of professional knowledge; demonstrate knowledge of the GDC standards that the dental team should maintain; identify some of the legislation and guidance that regulates the dental profession; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on the legislative requirements Dental Care professionals (DCPs) are expected to follow throughout their profession. Update published May 2024. Next review due May 2026.
Legal and Ethical: Obtaining ConsentThis article will increase your knowledge of the importance of consent in dentistry, considering the relevant legislation and regulations; the validity of consent; stages of consent; and, the patients capacity to understand consent and recording consent contemporaneously.Be able to define consent and valid consent; identify some of the legislation and regulations that relate to consent; be able to identify some of the information a patient will need to give consent; have knowledge of things to consider when gaining consent from a patient; have knowledge of assessing the patient's ability to consent; have knowledge of when young people are able to give consent; and, complete an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C This article gives an overview of importance of consent in dentistry. Republished June 2024. Update due June 2025.
Legal and Ethical: Social Media and Professional and Ethical Responsibilities for DCPsTo give an overview on the different types of social media and how to use them effectively whilst maintaining professional and ethical responsibilities as a dental care professional.On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Define social media and social media types; demonstrate knowledge of the most popular social media platforms; demonstrate an understanding of professionalism and ethics as they relate to the dental care professional’s online activities; demonstrate knowledge of the GDC’s regulations relating to the use of social media; list recommendations for protecting patient information and limiting the dental care professional’s liability when using social media; have knowledge of the Governments SHARE checklist to help stop the spread of harmful content; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an increased understanding of the different types of social media and how to use them effectively whilst maintaining professional and ethical responsibilities as a dental care professional. Update published July 2024. Next review due July 2026.
Manual Handling and Risk Assesment (updated 2024)To provide information about the responsibilities of employers to protect employees from risk of injury when undertaking manual handling tasks in the workplace and to raise awareness for the dental team on the factors to be considered when performing manual handling tasks within the dental practice.Understand the legal legislation that an employer should consider for assessing, moving and handling risks; the points to consider when performing a risk assessment for manual handling tasks; be able to identify the stages of manual handling training in the workplace; understand a good handling technique for lifting and understand how to apply filters to assess lifting risks; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.B Completion of this verifiable CPD article will enable you to understand the relevant legislation on manual handling and the importance of performing a risk assessment before undertaking any manual handling tasks. Updated October 2024. Next review October 2025.
Medical Emergencies: Anaphylaxis Management in Dental PracticeTo provide the dental professional with an understanding of anaphylaxis, the signs and symptoms and treatment of this medical emergency.Identify potential causes of anaphylaxis; identify signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis; identify medical conditions that may present in a similar way to anaphylaxis; have knowledge of the intramuscular adrenaline doses for the treatment of anaphylaxis; and, complete an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will provide information on the cause, signs, symptoms and treatment of anaphylaxis. Republished May 2024. Update due May 2025.
Medical Emergencies: Asthma and the Management of Asthma in Dental PracticeTo give an overview of asthma including its aetiology, risk factors and prevalence; to give an overview of dental considerations that need to be taken into account when treating a patient who has asthma; and, to outline of how to manage a patient who has an asthma attack in the dental surgery.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Identify the prevalence of asthma; identify the categories of asthma; identify some dental considerations that need to be taken into account when treating a patient who has asthma; identify the drugs that are used to treat and manage asthma; know how to deal with an acute asthma attack should one occur in the dental practice; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on asthma and now to manage asthmatic patients in the dental surgery. Update published April 2024. Next review April 2026.
Medical Emergencies: CPR, Basic Life Support and Automated External DefibrillationTo describe the steps involved in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and the use of an Automated External Defibrillator.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Identify statistics relating to cardiac arrest in the UK; demonstrate knowledge of the Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines; demonstrate knowledge of the Chain of Survival; be able to identify the steps and methods involved in cardiopulmonary resuscitation; know the importance of using an Automated External Defibrillator; be able to identify which are the shockable heart rhythms; know how to use an Automated External Defibrillator; know how to carry out basic life support; know the training requirements in relation to medical emergencies; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on how to carry out Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and use an Automated External Defibrillator. It is important to undertake hands on CPR and practise together regularly as part of a team. Update published June 2024. Next review due June 2025.
Medical Emergencies: DiabetesTo give an overview of diabetes including its aetiology, risk factors and prevalence; to give an overview of dental considerations that need to be taken into account when treating a patient who has diabetes; to outline the contents of the emergency drug kit; and, to give an outline of how to manage a patient who has hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia in the dental surgery.Identify the prevalence of diabetes; identify the different types of diabetes; identify the causes and signs, symptoms and complications of diabetes; identify some dental considerations that need to be taken into account when treating a patient who has diabetes; identify the drugs that are used to treat and manage diabetes; know the minimum recommended contents of the emergency drug kit; know how to deal with hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in the dental practice; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an increased understanding of Diabetes and the knowledge to deal with a diabetic medical emergency. Republished May 2024. Next review May 2026.
Medical Emergencies: GDC Guidance, Anaphylaxis, Syncope, Hypoglycaemia & Seizures (Updated 2023)To discuss some of the guidelines provided by the General Dental Council (GDC) in respect of dental emergencies and the dental profession, and to give an overview on the symptoms and treatment of anaphylaxis, syncope, hypoglycaemia and seizures.To have knowledge of the guidelines provided by the GDC in respect of equipment and scope of practice; be able to identify the causes and symptoms of anaphylaxis, syncope, hypoglycaemia and seizures; be able to identify the drugs required from the emergency drugs kit for anaphylaxis, syncope, hypoglycaemia and seizures; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this CPD article will increase and refresh your understanding of the symptoms and treatment of anaphylaxis, syncope, hypoglycaemia, seizures and increase your knowledge of the GDC guidelines on medical emergencies. Update published November 2023. Next review December 2025.
Medical Emergencies: GDC Standards, Protocols for the Dental Team and the Drugs Kit (Updated 2023)To provide information about the GDC standards and guidance for medical emergencies for the dental team and to discuss the equipment and drugs required in dental practice.Identify key points on the requirements of dental practices to meet the GDC guidance and standards in relation to medical emergencies; know the requirements of your role in the event of a medical emergency in dental practice; know the requirements of your practice protocol to deal with medical emergencies; be able to identify the recommended equipment and drugs that are the minimum requirement to deal with a medical emergency in dental practice; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C This article will help you to understand the GDC standards and guidance for medical emergencies for the dental team and the equipment and drugs required in dental practice as recommended by the Resuscitation Council UK and the British National formulary. Update published November 2023. Next review December 2024.
Medical Emergencies: Heart Disease and Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationThis article will give you an overview of the heart and its functions, the types of heart disease which may increase a patients’ risk of a medical emergency in the dental surgery and to discuss cardio pulmonary resuscitation procedures.Demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy of the heart; identify the function of the heart; identify some types of heart disease; demonstrate knowledge of how to manage the patient with Angina in the dental surgery and demonstrate knowledge of how to deal with a cardiac arrest should one occur in the dental surgery; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of the heart and its functions and dealing with a medical emergency involving the heart. Update published February 2023. Next review February 2025.
Medical Emergencies: Sepsis Awareness for the Dental TeamTo give an overview of sepsis, the causes, the symptoms, the treatment and some of the toolkits available that may be useful in diagnosing sepsis in dental practice.Be able to define sepsis; identify some of the causes of sepsis; have knowledge of some of the symptoms of sepsis in different patient groups; know where to access useful sepsis toolkits to use in dental practice; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%C Completion of this verifiable CPD will increase your knowledge of sepsis, the causes, the symptoms and awareness of sepsis in dental practice. Update published February 2024. Next review February 2025.
Medical Emergencies: Stroke Risk Factors, Symptoms and Management in an EmergencyTo give an overview of strokes including the aetiology, risk factors and prevalence. To give an outline of how to manage a patient with a suspected stroke in a medical emergency.Identify the prevalence of strokes; identify two different types of stroke; identify the causes, signs, symptoms of a stroke; know the potential risk factors of a stroke; know how to deal with a medical emergency in the dental practice if a stroke is suspected; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an increased understanding of a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) and how to manage a stroke in a medical emergency. Update published August 2022. Next review due August 2025.
Medical Emergencies: The Chain of Survival and Basic Life Support (Updated May 2024)This article will increase your knowledge of the 'Chain of Survival' in a medical emergency, basic life support, the use of an Automated Defibrillator and resuscitation of children and babies.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: identify the steps involved in the chain of survival; identify some of the statistics provided in the Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines 2021; identify some of the steps involved in basic life support; and, identify key differences between performing basic life support steps of an adult or child; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C This article looks at the 'Chain of Survival' in a medical emergency, discusses basic life support, the use of an Automated Defibrillator and resuscitation of children and babies. Republished May 2024. Update due May 2025.
Menopause and Oral HealthTo provide an overview of the potential effects of menopause on oral health.Define menopause; know the age the menopause is likely to occur; demonstrate knowledge of the general physiological changes that occur in the various systems of the body during menopause; identify the potential oral manifestations of menopause; demonstrate knowledge of the preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for the menopausal patient; identify how Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may impact on oral health during the menopause; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an increased understanding of potential effects of menopause on oral health. Next review January 2025.
Mental Capacity ActTo give an overview of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and the implications to consenting to dental treatment.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Demonstrate knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act (2005), The Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 and the Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016; identify who the MCA is designed to protect; identify the five principles of the MCA; know the two stage test of capacity; understand CQC Regulation 11: Need for Consent ; know the GDC standards relating to the patient’s ability to consent to treatment; know the principles of restraint; demonstrate knowledge of things to consider when deciding what is in an individual's best interests; understand Gillick Competence; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an increased understanding of the Mental Capacity Act and its implications to dental practice. Update published January 2024. Next review January 2025.
Oral Cancer – Head and Neck CancersTo discuss head and neck cancers and the role of the dental team in detecting early signs of cancer or pre-cancer. To discuss the different types of head and neck cancer and their signs, symptoms and the criteria for referral.On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: recognise the role of the dental team in detecting the early signs of cancer or pre-cancer; identify some of the statistics relating to head and neck cancer; identify patients that may be considered to be at an increased risk of head and neck cancers; identify the signs and symptoms of head and neck cancers; know the criteria for referral following the 2015 National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines (updated December 2021); and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C An article which discusses cancers that come under the heading Head and Neck Cancers. Published May 2023. Review due May 2025.
Oral Cancer (Mouth Cancer) and Oropharyngeal CancerTo provide information about the dental team’s role in enhancing the early detection and diagnosis of oral cancer (mouth cancer). To discuss the causes, categories, stages, and grade of cancers. To discuss the symptoms and risk factors of mouth cancer and highlight the guidance on making an appropriate two-week urgent referral.To identify some of the statistics relating to oral cancer (mouth cancer) and Oropharyngeal cancer; know the staging and grading system of cancer; be able to identify the potential patients at risk and the signs and symptoms of mouth cancer; recognise the role of the dental team in detecting the early signs of cancer or pre-cancer; and, know the criteria for referral following the 2015 National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines (updated October 2023); and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on the dental team’s role in enhancing the early detection and diagnosis of oral cancer (mouth cancer). Published May 2024. Next review due May 2025.
Oral Cancer: Tongue Anatomy, Lesions and Referral GuidelinesTo give an overview on lesions and common conditions affecting the tongue so that the participant can identify which may warrant referral for further investigation.Demonstrate knowledge of tongue anatomy; identify statistics relating to cancer of the tongue; identify common conditions affecting the tongue and their causes; be able to identify which lesions may show signs of malignancy; know the stages and grading system for tongue cancer; know the National Institute of Care and Excellence guidelines on urgent head and neck cancer referral; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an increased understanding of lesions of the tongue and when to refer patients for further investigation. Update published June 2024. Next review June 2026.
Oral Piercings and Oral HealthTo provide the participant with information to update their knowledge of the complications that are associated with oral piercings.To identify some of the adverse oral complications of oral piercings; to identify some of the adverse systemic complications of oral piercings; to have knowledge of the advice that could be offered to a patient experiencing complications following an oral piercing; to have knowledge of advice that can be provided to a patient with oral piercings for home care; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD will increase your knowledge of dental health considerations for oral piercings. Update due March 2027.
Periodontal Disease and the Link to Systemic DiseasesTo provide the dental professional with an understanding of the potential impact of periodontal disease on systemic health.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Demonstrate an understanding of the original focal infection theory; demonstrate an understanding of the role of oral bacteraemia in systemic disease; demonstrate the ability to understand, and therefore be able to educate patients, on the potential link between gum disease and heart disease; pregnancy complications; diabetes; dementia; and, pulmonary disease; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on the impact of periodontal disease on systemic health. Update published June 2024. Next review due June 2026.
Pregnancy and Oral HealthTo provide information about the physiologic changes that take place during pregnancy and how these can impact on the oral care management of the pregnant patient and to highlight the potential association between the presence of periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: have knowledge of the general physiological changes that occur in the various systems of the body during pregnancy; identify the oral changes that can occur during pregnancy; have knowledge of the preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for the pregnant patient; identify the potential association between the presence of periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will enable you to understand the physiologic changes that take place during pregnancy and how these can impact on the oral care management of the pregnant patient and the potential association between the presence of periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Published February 2023. Next review November 2025.
Radiography: Digital Radiography, Legislation and Statutory RequirementsThis article aims to help you develop an understanding of the history of digital radiography, the different types of digital x-rays and the advantages and disadvantages of digital dental radiography, the different types of digital radiographs and to outline the legislation relating to ionising radiation in dental practice.To have knowledge of the difference between direct and indirect digital radiography; identify the two types of corded sensors used in digital radiography; identify the advantages and disadvantages of digital radiography; to identify some of the different types of digital radiographs; to be able to explain some of the requirements of the IRR17 and IR(ME)R17 regulations; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of digital radiography and radiography legislation. Update published October 2024. Next review October 2026.
Radiography: IRMER and IRR- Radiation Protection and Statutory Requirements in Dental RadiographyTo provide an overview of the statutory requirements in dental radiography including Ionising Radiations Regulations (IRR17) together with its Approved Code of Practice, Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 IR(ME)R17 and the Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: demonstrate knowledge of the statutory requirements in dental radiography, including the Ionising Radiations Regulations (IRR), Ionising Medical Exposure Regulations (IR(ME)R) and The Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment; identify the roles and responsibilities of the Radiation Protection Supervisor, the Radiation Protection Advisor, and the Medical Physics Expert; identify contents of the local rules as specified in the IRR; identify the four types of duty holders specified under IR(ME)R; identify the principles of radiation protection; demonstrate some knowledge of the Selection Criteria for Dental Radiography; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD will reinforce your knowledge of the statutory requirements in dental radiography. Published March 2024. Next review March 2025.
Radiography: Quality Assurance in the Dental PracticeTo give an overview on the importance of developing a Quality Assurance (QA) programme in respect to dental radiography in the dental practice.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: identify the legislation relating to dental radiography; have knowledge of the 2020 Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment; identify how the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will consider x-ray use when visiting dental practices; identify a definition of quality assurance in dental radiography; demonstrate an understanding of the main principle behind a quality assurance programme in dental radiography; demonstrate knowledge of some of the components of a quality assurance programme in dental radiography; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD will give you an overview on the importance of developing a Quality Assurance (QA) programme in respect to dental radiography in the dental practice. Updated August 2023. Next review due August 2025.
Radiography: Risk Assessment in Dental RadiographyThis article aims to provide an overview of the steps that need to be considered when carrying out a risk assessment for dental radiography within a dental practice.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Be able to list the five key steps to risk assessment; be able to explain some of the requirements of the IRR2017 and IR(ME)R2017 regulations; know how often to review a radiation risk assessment; know how to access relevant legislation and guidance for conducting a radiation risk assessment, including the IRR17 Approved Code of Practice and the Public Health England (2020) Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-Ray Equipment; identify the controlled area in respect of dental radiography; be able to identify contents of the local rules in relation to radiography; identify the annual dose limits for staff working with ionising radiation; list some of the information that should be kept in a practice radiation folder; identify training requirements relating to dental radiography; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on risk assessments in respect of dental radiography. Update published April 2024. Next Review April 2026.
Radiography: The Basic Concepts of X-Radiation, Radiation Doses and the Risks of ionising RadiationTo provide an overview on the basic concepts of X-radiation, radiation dose limits and potential risk of exposure to X-radiation.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: know the basic concepts of X-radiation; be able to describe the history of medical and dental radiography; identify dose quantities and units practical to radiation protection in dentistry; identify the threshold dose on whole body exposure and localised exposure to x-radiation; identify the principles of dose limitation; know the difference between classified and non-classified workers; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD will give you information on the basic concepts of X-radiation, the risks of ionsing radiation, radiation doses in dental radiography and the principles of radiation protection. Published March 2024. Next review March 2025.
Record Keeping in Dentistry Legal and EthicalCompletion of this verifiable CPD will increase your knowledge of record keeping and the legal aspects relating to record keeping in dentistry.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to:• Recognise the key reasons of keeping accurate dental records; recognise some of the GDC and CQC requirements for dental records; identify the items that may be included in dental records; identify some of the legislation that relates to dental records; know the four Cs of record keeping; know the limitations of using templates for records; identify key points related to maintaining computerised records; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,B,C,D To provide information about record keeping and the legal aspects relating to record keeping; details about CQC requirements for record keeping; what should be included in records; storage of records; computerised records; and, sharing records. Published February 2024. Review due February 2026.
Recognising and Managing Dental AnxietyTo review the signs, symptoms and aetiology of dental anxiety; to review the most common dental anxiety assessment scale and to explore the different ways to manage the anxious patient in the dental practice.To be able to identify some of the causes of dental anxiety; recognise some of the signs and symptoms a patient may display if they are anxious; identify some of the different scales used to identify the anxious patient; develop an understanding of the modified dental anxiety scale and identify a variety of strategies that can be utilised in the management of a patient’s dental anxiety; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C Completion of this verifiable CPD will increase your knowledge of the management of the anxious patient in the dental practice. Update due March 2026.
Safeguarding Level 1 part 1 of 2: Definitions, Laws and Regulations Surrounding SafeguardingTo discuss the standards, regulations and laws surrounding the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. Safeguarding level 1, part 2 must be completed to meet the full learning outcomes required at level 1.Understand key definitions in the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults; identify the regulations and legislation surrounding safeguarding children and vulnerable adults; understand mandatory reporting on FGM cases; know the safeguarding training requirements; recognise the importance of referring to the Intercollegiate Documents to ensure that the learning outcomes required for Safeguarding level 1 and/or level 2 have been met; know the GDC and CQC Standards for safeguarding; recognise how certain individuals or groups of children and vulnerable adults may be more vulnerable to abuse or neglect; have an awareness of the potential impact of a parent/carers physical and mental health on the well-being and development of a child or young person; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D When completed with Part 2, this CPD will meet the learning outcomes required for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Level 1. Published December 2022. Next review December 2025. We recommend completing this full course every 3 years.
Safeguarding Level 1 Part 2 of 2: Recognising Different Types of Abuse and How to Report ConcernsTo recognise how groups of professionals work together to safeguard children and vulnerable adults; to understand and recognise the different types of abuse; and, to understand what to do if you have a safeguarding concern. Safeguarding level 1, part 1 and part 2 must be completed prior to meet the full outcomes required at level 1.Identify the different forms of abuse,including emotional; physical; sexual; discriminatory; financial; and, domestic abuse, neglect, forced marriage, modern slavery, county lines, radicalisation and cyber bullying; identify signs and symptoms of abuse; know the risks associated with the internet and online social networking; identify the importance of someone not being brought to a dental appointment; know the legal definitions of parental responsibility; understand the main principles of the Mental Capacity Act and the relevance and impact in adult safeguarding; know the role of the Safeguarding Practice Lead; know how to raise concerns about conduct of colleagues; know how to take appropriate action if there are safeguarding concerns;identify how to record and share relevant information appropriately with other teams; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D When completed with Part 1, this CPD will meet the learning outcomes required for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Level 1. Published December 2022. Next review December 2025. We recommend completing this full course every 3 years.
Safeguarding Level 2 Part 1 of 3: Definitions, Laws and Regulations Surrounding SafeguardingTo discuss the standards, regulations and laws surrounding the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. Safeguarding level 2, part 2 and 3 must be completed to meet the full learning outcomes required at level 2.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to: Understand key definitions in the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults; identify the regulations and legislation surrounding safeguarding children and vulnerable adults; understand mandatory reporting on FGM cases; know the safeguarding training requirements; recognise the importance of referring to the Intercollegiate Documents to ensure that the learning outcomes required for safeguarding level 2 have been met; know the GDC and CQC Standards for safeguarding; recognise how certain individuals or groups of children and vulnerable adults may be more vulnerable to abuse or neglect; demonstrate knowledge of the Common Assessment Framework; have an awareness of the potential impact of a parent/carers physical and mental health on the well-being and development of a child or young person; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D When completed with Part 2 and 3, this CPD will meet the learning outcomes required for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Level 2. Updated December 2022. Next review December 2025. We recommend completing this full course every 3 years.
Safeguarding Level 2 Part 2 of 3: Recognising the Different Types of AbuseTo outline the different types of abuse and to make the dental professional aware of the possible indicators of such abuse, especially in relation to dental neglect. To outline the impact of abuse on child development and the effects of historical abuse. Safeguarding Level 2, part 1 and part 3 must completed to meet the full learning outcomes required at level 2.Demonstrate knowledge on how child maltreatment can impact on child development; identify statistics relating to safeguarding; identify different forms and signs of abuse, to include emotional, physical, sexual, discriminatory, financial and domestic abuse, neglect, forced marriage, modern slavery and grooming, county lines, radicalisation, and, cyber bullying; know the risks associated with the internet and online social networking; identify the signs of dental neglect and recognise this as a safeguarding concern; identify the importance between someone not attending a dental appointment and someone not being brought to a dental appointment and how to record this; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D When completed with Part 1 and 3, this CPD will meet the learning outcomes required for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Level 2. Updated December 2022. Next review December 2025. We recommend completing this full course every 3 years.
Safeguarding Level 2 Part 3 of 3: The Importance of Multi Agency Working and How to Raise ConcernsTo recognise how groups of professionals work together to safeguard children and vulnerable adults and to understand what to do if you have a safeguarding concern. Safeguarding Level 2, parts 1 and 2 must be completed to meet the full learning outcomes required at level 2.Understand the importance of Multi Agency working in Safeguarding; demonstrate an awareness of the principles of consent; understand the Caldicott principles of information sharing including the 7th principle: “The duty to share information can be as important as the duty to protect patient confidentiality.”; know the legal definitions of parental responsibility; understand the main principles of the Mental Capacity Act and the relevance and impact in adult safeguarding; Know the role of the Safeguarding Practice Lead; know how to raise concerns about conduct of colleagues and ‘whistleblowing’ procedures; know how to take appropriate action if there are safeguarding concerns; identify how to record and share relevant information appropriately with other teams, whilst being aware of data protection; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D When completed with Part 1 and 2, this CPD will meet the learning outcomes required for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Level 2. Updated December 2022. Next review December 2025. We recommend completing this full course every 3 years.
Safeguarding Children Annual Refresher 2024To provide a refresher of the standards, regulations and laws surrounding the safeguarding of children, outline the categories of abuse and to provide a reminder of the steps to take if you have a safeguarding concern relating to the safeguarding of children.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Understand the terms ‘safeguarding’ and ‘looked after child’; understand some of the changes in the new statutory Guidance “Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023”, with emphasis on the importance of strong multi-agency working; identify the regulations and legislation surrounding safeguarding children; identify the different forms of abuse; identify some of the signs and symptoms of the different forms of abuse; know how to raise concerns about conduct of colleagues and ‘whistleblowing’ procedures; know how to take appropriate action if there are safeguarding concerns; identify how to record and share relevant information appropriately with other teams, whilst being aware of data protection; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will refresh your knowledge on safeguarding children. We recommend that you take your full level 1 and 2 course every 3 years (depending on your role within the practice) and undertake annual refreshers to ensure that you stay up to date in this important area. Update published January 2024. Next update due January 2025.
Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm (Refresher 2024)To provide a refresher of the standards, regulations and laws surrounding the safeguarding of adults at risk of harm, outline the categories of abuse and to provide a reminder of the steps to take if you have a safeguarding concern relating to the safeguarding of adults.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Understand the dental care professional’s roles and responsibilities towards safeguarding adults at risk of harm; identify the different forms of abuse; identify some of the signs and symptoms of the different forms of abuse; know how to raise concerns about conduct of colleagues and ‘whistleblowing’ procedures; know how to take appropriate action if there are safeguarding concerns; identify how to record and share relevant information appropriately with other teams, whilst being aware of data protection; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,D Completion of this verifiable CPD article will refresh your knowledge on safeguarding of adults at risk of harm. We recommend that you take your full level 1 and 2 course every 3 years (depending on your role within the practice) and undertake annual refreshers to ensure that you stay up to date in this important area. Update published January 2024. Next review due January 2025.
Sedation Training and the Dental Care ProfessionalTo provide information regarding sedation training for dental care professionals; the regulations in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; and, to discuss some aspects of the role of the DCP in dental sedation in practice.On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: identify the regulations related to the regulations for dental sedation in the UK; have knowledge of the training that dental care professionals need to undergo to become a sedation trained DCP and have knowledge of the role of the intravenous sedation trained DCP; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of sedation training for dental care professionals. Update due September 2026
Smoking Cessation - Very Brief AdviceTo provide information on how to deliver very brief advice on smoking cessation for patients in dental practice. Provided by the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT).On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: demonstrate knowledge of how to approach giving very brief advice; identify some of the effects of smoking on oral health; identify some of the ways smoking cessation can improve oral health; and, have knowledge of Public Health England views on e-cigarettes as an aid to smoking cessation; and, pass an online assessment scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge of how to give very brief advice on Smoking (VBA) which is a piece of advice that is designed to be used in less than 30 seconds in almost any situation with a smoker. Published July 2023. Update due July 2025.
Tooth Whitening: The Effects of Tooth Whitening With Peroxide Agents On The Human Dental EnamelTo provide the dental care professional with an overview of the types of tooth discolouration, including intrinsic and extrinsic staining and to present a literature review which examines the effects of tooth whitening on the human dental enamel.On completion of this verifiable CPD article the participant will be able to demonstrate, through completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: Identify the causes of tooth colour variation; identify the differences in colour between canines and the rest of the dentition, and the differences in colour between the primary and secondary dentition; identify the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic staining; know some causes of intrinsic and extrinsic tooth discolouration; understand the potential effects of tooth whitening with peroxide agents on the human dental enamel; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will increase your knowledge on the types and causes of tooth discolouration and will present a literature review on the effects of tooth whitening on the human dental enamel. Published September 2021.
Using Complementary Therapies in DentistryTo review the complementary and alternative therapies of acupuncture, acupressure and hypnosis and their potential benefit to the patient in dentistry.To be able to demonstrate knowledge of three different complementary therapies that can be used in dentistry; identify some of the uses of these complementary therapies in dentistry; identify some of the limitations of these complementary therapies in dentistry; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.A,C,D Completion of this verifiable CPD will increase your knowledge of some of the complementary and alternative therapies in dentistry. Next review due March 2026.
Wellbeing Support for the Dental Team - General Dental CouncilA guide for dental professionals and dental students to outline strategies to maintain well being and techniques for self care.On completion of this verifiable CPD article, the participant will be able to demonstrate, through the completion of a questionnaire, the ability to: identify strategies for self-care; be able to define anxiety; have knowledge of the mental health first aid scheme; have an understanding of stress in the workplace; and, pass an online assessment, scoring over 70%.C Completion of this verifiable CPD article will give you an increased understanding of recognising and prioritising our own mental health needs as a professional. Published by the General Dental Council February 2021.